I tried to track through this thread (although I admit I was skipping around until I have the time to read all 19 pages) I pulled the passworded RAR, ran the 1.5, and received what you see in the partial screenshot I've included. (I suspected it had something to do with installing the randomware patches MS released, but I didn't get those installed until the 14th, and MSE stopped updating on the 2nd.) When I attempt an update, MSE hangs on "Searching." (sometimes repeating the thermometer from the beginning), then fails silently with "Your PC isn't using the latest updates." My last update was on the 2nd, with defs created on the first. On the one VM, MSE had, until the beginning of this month, performed flawlessly. The only reason I want to run MSE is the lack of nags.all of the other "free" anti-vir packages have become so annoying I want to stick a sledgehammer though the monitor.

Am running XP in a few virtual machines on a Windows 7 64bit host to handle some of software I need to run, and unfortunately it required connecting to the Net.